A new study over 10 years has looked at the performance of one of the UK’s first rural affordable Passivhaus schemes. The report concluded that it is still performing as designed.
The study of the 14 homes, built in 2011 Essex, concluded that some residents still only pay £30 per quarter for their heating.
The findings are published in a recent report written by Martin Ingham, a Passivhaus designer and independent consultant specialising in energy efficiency in the built environment.
More evidence that not only can the Passivhaus standard produce energy efficient buildings, but they continue to perform, reducing carbon use and cost of running.
If you’d like to know more about the Passivhaus building standard and how we could help please do contact use here.
Read more here: https://architecturaltechnology.com/resource/study-finds-passivhaus-residents-heating-bill-only-30-a-quarter.html
Access reports here: http://wimbishpassivhaus.com/datasheets.html